Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1995 Ford F-150 4X4 5.0 Liter engine tuneup?

I changed plugs and spark plug wires, one at a time, except the last two. The engine misfired, I switched the last two, and the engine still misfired. I checked the manual for engine firing order and wiring, and I wired the engine by the manual. Still a misfire. I read further, and the manual said to be sure and mark the wires as the distributor could have been rewired. How is that possible? How else could the distributor be rewired except for number one firing first. I have also replaced the distributor cap, and rotor. Help1995 Ford F-150 4X4 5.0 Liter engine tuneup?There was probably a picture to go with those instructions and they were talking about #1 wire [and all of the wires] has been moved AROUND the cap. You can pull one wire at a time from the dist.[be sure to replace it before pulling the next one] and when you pull one that doesn't slow the idle down noticeably you have found your problem. The idle may even increase if you have switched wires. If you have two that don't affect your or increase your idle just swap them. Yes, you may get shocked, but the chances aren't as probable as you may think.1995 Ford F-150 4X4 5.0 Liter engine tuneup?maybe it not a firing order problem, did you buy cheap wires (Auto Zone crap) if so get some quality parts and start over ( also cap and rotor????)1995 Ford F-150 4X4 5.0 Liter engine tuneup?Still sounds like a firing order problem1995 Ford F-150 4X4 5.0 Liter engine tuneup?Check the spark plugs, you may have inadvertantly cracked the insulator on one when tightening. I have seen this happen before.

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