Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How do I change the spark plugs in a 2005 Honda Civic VP?

I knew how to change the spark plugs in my other vehicles, but this engine has them set up differently. I'm used to wires being connected from the distributor cap to the plug itself, but on this engine, I still haven't found the wires or distr cap. I know where the spark plugs themselves are, but there is this cylinder thats about 9 in or so long that you have to unscrew and pull out from on top of the plugs. I have a long enough extension to be able to get them out from the bottom of this hole, but it looks to me as if the inside of this tube is copper and its very smooth. Is it b/c its new and never been worked on, or do i need a special tool to keep from scratching it and losing conductivity??? PLEASE HELP!! also if you know where the distributor cap and wires are, please let me know!!!!How do I change the spark plugs in a 2005 Honda Civic VP?YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CHANGE THE SPARK PLUGS ON A CAR THAT NEW. THERE ARE NO WIRES BECAUSE YOUR CAR HAS COIL PACKS BASICALLY ON TOP OF EACH PLUG. THE PART THAT IS THE CYLINDER. JUST PULL THESE OFF AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CHANGE THE PLUGS.How do I change the spark plugs in a 2005 Honda Civic VP?the factories of newer automobiles are trying to not loose money and the main way of them loosing money is people doing things themselfs. if you buy yourself a repair manual for it. It should show you where everything is and how to replace them. if not you might have to take it to a repair shop and spend a bunch of unessasary money. sorry I'm use to old cars

but there are not wires just to let you know so you won't find them but I don't know if they do have distributors.

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